Crazy Hats

Friday 27th June 2014

My nearly fifteen year old daughter took sewing lessons at a local quilt shop.  She started when she was in second grade and her wonderful teacher made them do all their own cutting, ironing and sewing.  The lessons continued until middle school when the homework load became much more intense.  Recently she has become interested in sewing again and likes to refashion t-shirts or work on items from our local thrift store.  She saw this hat in a library book and made it in an evening.  It is very cute and very green!

After making this green hat and realizing she forgot to shape the ears, she decided to make a second hat in black.  You can see in the photos how the ears are different.  What a fun project.  I am so proud of her!  Yesterday she wore the green hat to the beach but we had one of those rare days when the sun came out and it was warm on the beach -  no crazy hat necessary!


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